Today, I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Rocio Calle. Dr. Calle is a pathologist who was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Similar to diseases such as leukemia that require a bone marrow donation, pancreatic cancer is very difficult to treat. Whereas leukemia can only be cured through bone marrow donations, pancreatic cancer has no known cure.
The conversation that I had with Dr. Calle was very insightful for multiple reasons. As a physician herself, she has a very unique perspective on her situation. We discussed the importance of continued research, and she explained her willingness to participate in clinical trials for pancreatic research. Similar to the negative stigma in Asian cultures on bone marrow donation, we examined the similar aversion that patients have to participating in clinical research trials due to their hesitance to be used as "guinea pigs". Watch us discuss these issues and more attached below or at this link-